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Prophetess Vickie Lee: Posted on Friday, February 15, 2013 10:28 PM






wind blows (breathes) where it wills; and though you hear its sound, yet you neither know where it comes from nor where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.

John 3:8



The wind of Holy Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh blows as free, as unconstrained and unpredictable as a natural

wind. And just as one may sense where and when a natural wind is blowing by the rustle of the leaves of a tree

or a gentle breeze on one's face or the whistle-like sound of the wind, so it is in the Spirit. The people of God

should be able to discern the wind of Holy Spirit. But I hear Holy Spirit saying, "Stop trying to figure me out!"

There are some who actually try to control the Spirit of the living God, dictating how and when He moves! And

in so doing He is quenched, and even rebuked. I recently read a book in which theologian Clark H. Pinnock,

wrote," The church and it's leaders belong to the Spirit--the Spirit does not belong to them. They are subject

to the Spirit, who is not under their control. The Church is under the reign of the Spirit, not the reverse. Any

church that denies the Spirit freedom stands in danger of becoming a lifeless and self-glorifying church." I

do not mean that there is to be no order, for we know our God would have us do everything decently and in

order. I love the synergy between God's Holy Word and His precious Holy Spirit! We need both working

together because the letter kills, but the Spirit brings life! Abba desires that we work with Him, cooperate

with Him, by His Spirit. The convergence of God's Word and Spirit in the performance of His will. Glorious!

But there is a surrender that is lacking, and the lack is rooted in fear. We fear being "out of control". We feel

we must be in control but the Bible this:

Psalm 100:3

Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the 

sheep of his pasture.



Bottom line, we have to have faith to surrender to the move of God! Beloved in being hesitant and, thereby, 

quenching Holy Spirit we short change ourselves. Have faith in God! "Don't you trust me", I hear Abba saying,"to do what is best for you?" The wind bloweth where it listeth, but it is not a whirlwind, a tornado or a hurricane. Oh, rest assured Holy Spirit is far more powerful than any natural wind! But the Divine Breath of God, by which, the Body of Christ so desperately needs to be literally inspired, is gentle. Holy Spirit is so gentle! And if one is not discerning of when He blows, one can miss Him. How is a sensitivity to Him developed? In one's own personal relationship with Him. As we surrender more fully individually, my God, when we come together corporately in adoration, in praise, in worship, there will be an awesome desire and recognition of when the wind of the Spirit is moving, blowing, manifesting! Are you "born of the spirit?" Then you are to be moved by His Spirit, you are to be led of His Spirit, and you are to walk in the Spirit. Dear ones, when we surrender and soar on the winds of Holy Spirit, quickened, anointed, and empowered by God, the gates of hell cannot prevail! We are talking about the Kingdom in action! Power! Allow Holy Spirit to breathe into you and to resuscitate you! Let us reverence Holy Spirit, not by trying to figure him out and "controlling" Him, but by surrendering to Him.

1 Corinthians 2:11

For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.


Prophetess Vickie Lee


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